
Yo Samdy Sam

Sam is an autistic advocate, renewable energy and EV enthusiast, mother to a toddler, living in the Netherlands but originally British. She makes YouTube videos as Yo Samdy Sam. Tip Jar ---> https://ko-fi.com/yosamdysam
Yo Samdy Sam has written 24 posts for The Happy Coeliac

First steps on a gluten-free diet

Since I was diagnosed, I’ve browsed round a lot of gluten-free/coeliac forums on the web, and it seems like a lot of people find the transition to a strict gluten-free diet really difficult. I don’t blame them. It is hard. However, for me the transition has been relatively easy, at least apart from when eating … Continue reading

Grandma’s coconut muffins

Today’s recipe comes from the darkest depths of my childhood – I have fond memories baking and eating these, both with my grandma and with my mum. In fact – gross fact of the day – when I was younger I loved these so much that I used to chew the wrapper after I had … Continue reading

Fish and chips

Believe me when I say: CORNMEAL IS YOUR FRIEND If you haven’t already, you should head down the world foods aisle (I bought this pack from Tesco) and pick up a nice big bag of finely ground cornmeal (maize) for a couple of quid. It’ll be so worth it, I promise. Now I ain’t talkin … Continue reading

New beginnings

Anyone who has suffered for years with their gut will know what it’s like. The familiar “pregnant” belly. The stomach churning. Feeling sick. Aches and pains. Being a less than fragrant bed companion and blaming it on the cat. “Friends” who just don’t understand. And sometimes simply not knowing what food will set you off. … Continue reading

About me

I'm Samantha, a freelance writer from London, UK. Since being diagnosed with Coeliac Disease in March 2011 I have embraced the gluten-free lifestyle, and am committed to finding delicious alternatives to my favourite foods!

I also have a personal blog.